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2021-04-06 | 2 min read
Several changes have been made to the reporting feature in Insite. Firstly, you can now create reports for multiple lists which are stored against your project. This feature works for both PDF and XLXS formats.
PDF reports now export with an enhanced design. A tabulated layout has been used for the item information to enhance the clarity and quality of the documents you send out.
As well as the enhanced item layout you'll also find summary pages included in your reports at the start of each list. Graphs illustrate the current progress which can be accompanied by some summary text provided when generating the report.
Furthermore, any list sign off information will be printed out here on the leader pages too. This will include the user signature, contact details and the comment provided on sign off.
Make sure to check for updates on the App Store for iOS or on the Play Store for your Android phone or tablet.
Here's what you can expect to see soon.
Currently you can choose whether an item is Incomplete, In progress or Complete. An additional standard set of options will soon be provided for compliancy, these will be Compliant, Non-compliant and N/A. For when the current progression status options and the compliancy choices just don't cut it you can go ahead and create your own bespoke group.
We understand that list templates are likely to be the same across your projects and so you will soon be able to create templates under your plan which you can then import to your projects.
We will continue to improve the layout and customisation of the reports, eventually providing a report building tool.
As always get in touch with us today to find out more or enquire about a plan!