2021-11-08 | 3 min read

Read only project role & customised user permissions on lists

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Our latest update provides some key improvements to managing the users on your projects and the permissions that each of them has. We've now added the ability to add read-only users, customise user access on lists and we've refreshed how you manage your projects' collaborators.

Keep reading to find out more.

Read only users

Add read-only users to your projects to give limited access to users who may only need to view the progress without contributing. Find out more here.

Read only users can:

  • View projects, list & items, and
  • Create & download reports

Without the ability to:

  • Create lists, or
  • Contribute to items

This is a Premium feature and so will not be available to Personal or Starter plan projects.

The best bit... Read only users won't count towards the number of users on your projects so you can invite as many as you like!

Customise user permissions on lists

As well as providing an extra role at the project level, we also wanted to give our users more control over the permissions for collaborators at a list and item level. With 1.12.0 you are now able to specify how much access each user has to a list. This can either be:

  • Full access: The default for project Admins and list owners, gives fulle access to update all fields of every item on a list. Regardless of who created the item.
  • Limited access: Allows users to create and fully manage their own items. Otherwise, they can add photos, comments and make status requests.
  • Read only access: The default for users with the read only role that can also be assigned to remove any rights to contribute to or create items on a list.

For a complete guide to providing custom access please see:

Customise user permissions on each list

Or, to understand more about the different roles and permissions please see:

User roles and permissions explained

Again, this is a Premium feature and so will not be available to Personal or Starter plan projects.

Here's what we've added and fixed in 1.12.0:

Features added

  • Read-only project role - provide limited access to your projects for users who don’t need to contribute (Enterprise plans only)
  • Updated project collaborator management - refreshed design and flow so managing users is now quicker and easier
  • Customise permissions for users on a list - provide specific permissions to each user regardless of their project role (Enterprise plans only)
  • Allow Project Admins to update the privacy of all lists

Bugs fixed

  • General design updates

Make sure to check for updates on the App Store for iOS or on the Play Store for your Android phone or tablet.

Our plans going forward:

Add drawings to locations

This highly requested feature will allow you to drop in your project drawings so you can tag issues against them for improved clarity when assigning a location.

Customised item fields

Define your own item fields to allow a completely customised experience and workflow to suit your business.

Import projects from Insite - Audit & Snag

We want to make it as easy as possible for all of our existing users on the original app, Insite - Audit & Snag, to upgrade to the new and improved Insite platform. As such we will soon provide an option to export your projects and have them available in Insite.

As always get in touch with us today to find out more or enquire about a plan!